Outgoing LRSF President, Joan Frates(l) passes on the gavel to Incoming President, Gayle Price (r)

LRSF President, Gayle Price (l) welcomes new Board Trustee, Scott Davis(r)! Welcome Scott!

Thank you to all those who participated in our Annual LRSF Benefit Night at Fratello's! A great time was had by all! Your continued support of the Foundation is greatly appreciated!

Lakes Region Scholarship Foundation has been selected as the beneficiary of the Hannaford Supermarket’s Bloomin’ 4 Good Program through the month of November. Hannaford Supermarket's Bloomin' 4 Good Program will be supporting the Lakes Region Scholarship Foundation by donating $1 of sales of every Bloomin’ 4 Good bouquet sold! This is the perfect time of year to liven up your inside with a beautiful Fall bouquet!
(l to r) Cassandra Hamilton, Assistant Customer Service Manager Hannaford Gilford, and Chris Guilmett, Assistant Director Lakes Region Scholarship Foundation.

LRSF was recently featured on 101.5 The LAKES FM as the Good News Story of the Day.
Take a couple minutes and click on the photo to hear our story!

Come visit us at our table on Friday, September 8th, from 5pm - 8pm, in downtown Laconia at the Belknap Mill's Annual Sock Hop. Stop by and chat with us! We will have on display the prizes for our Fall Harvestfest Raffle! Purchase your Fall Harvestfest Raffle tickets and/or your Cakes n' Sweets Calendar! We look forward to seeing you!

A big thank you to Brie Stephens and The Lake Life Realty Team for donating to Lakes Region Scholarship Foundation during Food Truck Tuesday! Thanks to Abby and Kiley for hosting and greeting. It was great to see familiar faces and meet new people. Thank you!

Joan Frates (r) President of LRSF, welcomes new Board Member and new Treasurer, Laura Larson (l). Welcome Laura!!

A big "Thank You" to everyone who stopped by Happy Cow Ice Cream, on Friday & Saturday, October 14 & 15! Happy Cow has donated 10% of all sales to LRSF Friends of the Foundation Operating Fund (FOFOF).
THANK YOU Happy Cow!

Welcome Incoming Board Members!

Karen & Chris welcome new board members!
l to r Jim Dirubbo, Jean Clarke, Dick Mariano

Incoming Board Members!
Welcome to the Board Colleen Cass and Semi Shin-Kenison!

2021 Lakes Region Rotary Car Show
LRSF Representatives with Lakes Region Rotary Club President, Larry Greeley
Hannaford Cause Bag November 2020

2019 - 19th Annual Community Spelling Bee
Congratulations to the 1st Place Team:
Laconia Public Library
Thanks to our supporters, we raised over $14,000.
Thank you!

Thank you Fratello's Laconia!
Thank you to everyone who supported our Fratello's fundraiser on March 4, 2019
February 2019 - Hannaford helps to support LRSF

January 2019
Lakes Region Scholarship kicks off Education Day for Leadership Lakes Region Class of 2019

January 2019
Hello - Good-bye.
LRSF recently welcomed Judy Ball, Jim Chase and Donald McLelland Jr. to the Board of Trustees. The Board also offered thanks and farewell wishes to Pam Hayes, Marcia Hayward and Michael Nolan, all of whom have been on the LRSF Board for nine years and have reached their nine-year term limit.

CONGRATULATIONS to the Laconia High School Band “The Treble Clefts” for finishing first in the Lakes Region Scholarship Foundation's 18th Annual Community Spelling Bee.
“The Treble Clefts” ,sponsored by Baron's Major Brands, share a moment with members of the LRSF organization and many of those who helped make this year’s Spelling Bee a success.
Thank you to all of our donors, spellers, board members and volunteers!!!

July 28, 2018
Lakes Region Rotary Car Show
CONGRATULATIONS to the Lakes Region Rotary Club of Laconia, NH on the success of their 6th annual Lakes Region Rotary Car Show held Saturday, July 28th, at Faro Italian Grill in Weirs Beach.
According to the Lakes Region Rotary Club of Laconia, over 900 guests came out to view over 140 amazing cars and the Club was able to raise over $10,000 for local charities.
The Lakes Region Rotary Club of Laconia supports various local organizations in the Lakes Region which includes providing scholarships through Lakes Region Scholarship Foundation.

July 28, 2018
Jenni's Ride
On Saturday, July 28th, family and friends of Jenni Harmon held their 4th annual “Jenni’s Ride Around the Lakes” to raise funds for the Jenni Harmon Memorial Scholarship.
LRSF Executive Director, Paulette Loughlin stopped by to show support during the after-ride festivities.