Another Successful Award Year!
Lakes Region Scholarship Foundation was founded in 1956 by a small committee of civic leaders looking for a way to support their community. In 1956, eight local clubs, businesses, and individuals awarded $2,650 to 17 students.
This year, through the generosity of our donors, $811,600.00 dollars has been awarded to 343 recipients.
From 1956-2024, LRSF has awarded over 10 million dollars to more than 6,270 recipients from over 650 donor funds.
Many of our scholarship funds are memorials set up by families when a loved one passes away or from bequests. Each memorial tells the story of a person who is no longer with us, but is still helping those they have left behind. Other scholarship funds come from civic groups, individuals and area businesses, to invest in the youth of our local communities.
Thanks to the hundreds of donors, volunteer board members, participants in our fundraising projects, and all those who contributed to LRSF since 1956. We couldn't do it without you!

LRSF Board & Staff
Gayle Price President
Don McLelland Vice President
Laura Larson Treasurer
James Carroll Secretary
Judy Ball
Christopher Banks
Philip Bonafide
Colleen Cass
Jim Chase
Jean Clarke
Scott Davis
Jim Dirubbo
Kathy Gilman
Calise Houle
Lois Kessin
Richard Mariano
Fredda Osman
Semi Shin-Kenison
Marjory Wilkinson
Chris Guilmett Executive Director
Karen Switzer Director
Aprill Morgan Assistant Treasurer
Maggie Gibbs Administrative Assistant
Joan Cormier Advisory Director
Paulette Loughlin Advisory Director
Steve Loughlin Publicity-Photographer
Laura Ringer Office Assistant
Krystie Sullivan Office Assistant